
Become a Mosaic Partner

We aim to deliver the best technology in the car wash industry, and we never forget that our success is directly tied to successful partnerships within the industry.

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What does it mean to be a Partner?

We partner with equipment manufacturers, app developers, web developers, automotive service providers, and CTOs who recognize that powerful, shared successes can be achieved by working together with an open integration mindset. Our platform is designed to be plugged in to hardware, and we encourage you to think big about what can be accomplished when you combine our software smarts with your hardware expertise. Of course, we'll advise you along the way. That's what a partnership is all about.

Partnership options with Mosaic

Let our platform handle the software: You've got a wealth of experience building hardware that wash operators rely on every day, but software integrations require a unique way of thinking and working.

The groundwork for the open sharing of data in the car wash industry has been laid. Together, we can build out a software infrastructure that serves wash operators and helps execute on their great ideas.

Advance your technology (and be more attractive to clients) by embracing the technological advances and improvements happening in the car wash industry.

Come on In, We're Open for Business

Want to build on — or connect to — our platform? The Mosaic API (version 5.0.0) allows trusted developers to publish to and retrieve data from the Mosaic platform.

We have a documentation site to help get you started, and we'll provide you with your own API key. We'll even give you advice about what kinds of integrations are possible and how best to build them.

With the Mosaic API, a hardware manufacturer or third-party provider can do things like...

View API Docs

Integrate with existing POS systems to allow customers to purchase washes and accompanying products.

Link existing accounts to Mosaic accounts to provide a seamless user experience.

Incorporate additional payment integrations that may be essential for a manufacturer to support.

Introduce fleet programs into the Mosaic app to allow corporate drivers to wash anytime, anywhere.

Build integrations directly into automotive infotainment systems and reach a whole new segment of customers.

What Do You Want to Build?

Everyone in the car wash industry has a favourite idea (or ten) about how to improve an existing service or create a brand-new offering from scratch; the difficulty often comes in implementing it. Let us know what you want to accomplish, and how we can help you make it work.